2024 Roadmap Update: Web3 x AI

As xHashtag continues to innovate at the intersection of Web3 and AI, we are thrilled to present our updated roadmap. Our platform has always focused on creating opportunities for users to earn across borders, and we’ve successfully served over 100,000 users and 2 million interactions. Now, we’re taking this vision to the next level by integrating AI. This update not only empowers users to build and customize tokenized Social AI Agents but also opens up new avenues for earning and engagement.

Q3 2024

As we move into Q3 2024, our focus is on solidifying the foundation laid in the earlier quarters and expanding the capabilities of our platform to better serve our community. Here’s a closer look at what’s in store:

Release Web3AI Template for Social AI Agents on Testnet: As part of our ongoing research into the best methods for implementing Tokenized Social AI Agents, we are collaborating with Slinky Web3AI. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a Social AI Agent template on the Testnet.  

Release Updated Docs: To better support our users, we will be releasing updated documentation. These resources will provide detailed guidance on setting up and managing AI agents, along with explanations of the new features being introduced. 

Release Tokenized Agents Testnet: The upcoming launch of our Testnet will feature Tokenized Social AI Agents. This release will allow users to start creating, customizing, and trading their AI agents in a sandbox environment, enabling us to gather valuable feedback and make necessary refinements before the full-scale deployment.

Enable Memory: This feature will allow creators to teach their AI agents new information by uploading files directly into the agents’ memory. This will enable the agents to deliver more personalized and contextually relevant conversations, tailored to the specific knowledge and data provided by the creator, making each agent unique and valuable.

Add Support for EVM and Bitcoin Wallet: To ensure broader accessibility and integration, we will be expanding our platform’s wallet support to include both EVM and Bitcoin wallets. 

Q4 2024

As we approach the final quarter of 2024, xHashtag AI is gearing up for a series of impactful feature rollouts. Q4 will bring several key elements of our roadmap to fruition, further enhancing our product. Here’s what’s planned:

Social AI Agent Marketplace on Testnet: We will be introducing trading capabilities for tokenized Social AI Agents. The marketplace will enable users to buy, sell, and trade their AI agents against XTAG and other base assets, opening up new avenues for monetization and utility for XTAG. We believe this will create a dynamic marketplace for AI-driven assets within our ecosystem.

Launch Mainnet: A major milestone this quarter is the launch of our mainnet dApp. This launch will mark the transition from the Testnet phase, bringing the full functionality of xHashtag to a live environment. Users will be able to fully interact with all features, including token creation,  trading and Social AI Agent management.

Launch Reward Pool Mechanism for Agents: We will introduce a reward pool mechanism specifically designed for Social AI Agents. This feature will enable users to earn rewards based on the performance and engagement of their agents.

Enable Trading of Tokens Against XTAG: Alongside the mainnet launch, we will enable the trading of newly created tokens against XTAG. Through this, we aim to strengthen the role of XTAG as a central asset in the xHashtag platform.

Q1 2025

As we enter Q1 2025, we will introduce several new features and enhancements designed to further empower users and expand the functionality of Social AI Agents. This quarter will focus on incentivizing agent creation, enhancing connectivity, and broadening the scope of supported interactions. Here’s a look at what’s coming:

Launch Incentivization Program: To encourage the growth of Social AI Agents within our ecosystem, we will introduce an incentivization program specifically aimed at rewarding users for deploying and interacting with these agents. This program will be designed to drive greater participation and innovation in agent creation.

Add Support for Telegram: Expanding the ways in which users can interact with Social AI Agents created with xHashtag, we will add support for integrating Social AI Agents via Telegram. 

Add Support for 3rd Party API: We will allow users to integrate third-party APIs into Social AI Agents. This functionality will allow users to enhance their agents with external data sources and services, enabling more sophisticated and versatile agent behavior that can adapt to a wide range of use cases.

Allow Linking of 3rd Party Tokens to Social AI Agents: We will enable users to link third-party tokens on the mainnet to their Social AI Agents. This integration will allow these tokens to interact with the AI agents, potentially unlocking new utilities.

Launch Support for Solana Tokens: To further expand the reach and versatility of the platform, we will introduce support for Solana tokens.

Add Support for Multimodal Interaction: Finally, we will be adding support for multimodal interactions with Social AI Agents. This feature will allow agents to process and respond to multiple types of inputs, such as text, voice, and visual data, making them more versatile and responsive. We aim to create a more immersive and effective user experience.

Ending Note

We’re excited about how Web3 and AI and in the upcoming phases of xHashtag AI, we will explore how Web3 and AI intersect to build a future where people can connect, create, and earn in ways that weren’t possible before. We’re looking forward to continuing this journey with our community, and we’re excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

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